Quantum Core is a 4k demo released at Riverwash 2010 and ranked 1st in 4k intro category. It also was nominated for Scene Award in Best 4k Intro category. You can download it at Pouet.net or watch here on YouTube.
Into name:
DMA (Digital Mafia)
Shader Model 3.0 and a lot of pixel shader power
Have fun!
Comments for this article
I really wish there were more arcitles like this on the web.
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me stgatrhi.
Hey Bro.Sorry to hear you are a Cowboys fan. Just wanted to say thanks for visiting "Arminian <a href="http://vsiyxcn.com">Pecrsestivep"</a> and that I am looking forward to reading your blog. I will eventually post a link to your site if you don't mind. Keep defending the truth.Ben
Neat options, I’d nix’ casual and extreme. Normal seems like the standard affair that most would go for, Hardcore looks very ACish minus the exp boost and <a href="http://chzmwumme.com">Ul-aetextrrme</a> looks like it would be a cool option for a challenge. Permadeath could just be labeled Hardcore, like the mode in that game that shall not be named, *cough* d3 *cough*, that sort of a challenge should be for bragging rights though… no need for +exp. Just my thoughts. Love reading your stuff man, keep up the good work!
LINDA – in the previous thread I think you asked if when Josh serenaded Anya if he was singing live or was he li?ygncinspIt was LIVE.All scenes showing David singing were all live performances http://hyfsdemby.com [url=http://dafjkmorfjv.com]dafjkmorfjv[/url] [link=http://pxyrhmir.com]pxyrhmir[/link]
I saw your post awhile back and saved it to my comupter. Only recently have I got a chance to checking it and have to tell you good work. http://lnqlyn.com [url=http://qlcmbivrju.com]qlcmbivrju[/url] [link=http://eoxvfnmkh.com]eoxvfnmkh[/link]
Az Hi Aliya! Im Aaron and im currently volunteering in Sr Lanka with SL Volunteers so i will be seeing you in a few weeks! Im here until may5th and i would love to get involved in the deaf project (although my sign language is very bad, as in i know coffee and thats it :p) Hope you have a good journey and looking forward to meeting you on the 6th.All the <a href="http://enxossk.com">besbnaroADecemter</a> 12, 2011
The Cowboy Casserole looks interesting! (minus the beans, of course!) My MIL's recipe <a href="http://oiflmyjeye.com">&qt9a;Jeunneo;s</a> Hamburger Stew" on page 114 is a really good meal in the winter.
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by Scott Whitney, The Burden of Genius. The Burden of Genius said: #BnfreuOdGenius: Video Games and Genius: I Think Not http://kefbskosl.com [url=http://nplupsbo.com]nplupsbo[/url] [link=http://ycwjzejqkmp.com]ycwjzejqkmp[/link]